Stress Test


What is a Stress Test?

A stress test, also known as an exercise stress test or treadmill test, is a diagnostic procedure used in the field of cardiology to evaluate the performance of the heart during physical activity. It is a crucial tool for assessing a patient's cardiovascular health and detecting various heart conditions, particularly coronary artery disease.

Why is a Stress test taken?

  • To determine if your heart receives enough blood flow when your body reaches the highest level of physical exercise.
  • To detect any abnormal heart rhythms.
  • To identify limitations in the heart's ability to pump blood effectively.
  • To diagnose coronary artery disease.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of cardiac treatments.

What happens during the test?

  • You're linked up to cardiac monitoring devices/ EKG machines.
  • You are asked to walk or run on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bicycle.
  • After a specific time, the speed is increased until you reach the maximum heart rate.
  • The test typically begins at a low intensity and gradually increases in difficulty.
  • To begin, vitals are recorded while at rest. Vitals are recorded every 3 minutes once you begin exercising.

Stress tests are a non-invasive and relatively safe way to assess cardiac function, providing valuable information that guides treatment decisions. One of the trusted providers of this essential service is the Vcare Diagnostic Centre in Mumbai. With state-of-the-art equipment and a team of experienced healthcare professionals, Vcare Diagnostic Centre offers comprehensive stress testing to evaluate cardiovascular health.